blandscliff Gallery and Studio - Exhibition: Paintings June Emerson and Northern Potters


"Based on the sculpture and ceramics of Burton Agnes Hall"

Guest Artists :    Shirley Sheppard, John Egerton, Jill Christie

Other Artists: George Ormerond, Jim Faulkner, Emma Williams, Victoria Leeks, Laura Hancock, Steve Booton

24th March - 30th May


Exhibition opening




in the gallery

Shirley Sheppard

Drawings of the sculpture collection at Burton Agness Hall

Drawings of the sculpture "Lydia" bySir Jacob Epstein


These drawings are done from the various sculptures in the house and gardens at Burton Agnes Hall in the East Riding of Yorkshire.









John Egerton

Pots based on the collection at Burton Agness Hall





Jill Christie

Pots based on the collection at Burton Agness Hall




Jills pieces are based on the shapes of the pots at the Hall, while maintaining her unique glazing methods.

Alan Ball


Janice Whitby

David Warren

Jim Faulkner

Elizabeth Bailey


Sam Cooke


Shirley Sheppard






Emma Williams

Jill Christie

George Ormerod

Felted Works by Felt West Australia








Laura Hancock


Victoria Leeks



Steve Booton

Nigel Carrick  

 blandscliff gallery

 9 Blands Cliff

 Scarborough, England 

 YO11 1NR
